Britannia Archaeology Ltd

Britannia Archaeology Ltd is an archaeological consultancy and contractor based in East Anglia, specialising in undertaking pre-planning application investigations, and discharging archaeological planning conditions.

We deliver quality work while remaining commercially competitive.

Learn more about Britannia Archaeology

Our Archaeological Services

Britannia Archaeology offer a range of services including consultancy, project management, geophysical prospection, fieldwork and advice on archaeological matters.  Our team can advise at every stage of a project, from the initial written scheme of investigation (WSI) to fieldwork and the final report.  We help guide you through the planning and development control process, liaising with Local Planning Authorities and County Archaeologists on your behalf.

Learn more about Britannia Archaeology services

Britannia Archaeology Photo Gallery:

On Site With Britannia Archaeology

Martin recording trenches in Enfield

Martin Recording Trenches In Enfield

Van Logo
Capel Phase Plan

Capel St Mary Roman Villa Site - Phase Plan

Britannia Team Geophysics Denny Abbey

Discussing Geophysics at Denny Abbey

Bronze Age Timber Walk Way

Bronze Age Timber Walk Way in the Cambridgeshire Fens

Roman Wall Foundation

Surviving Roman Wall Foundations at Capel St Mary Roman Villa

The Warrior

The Warrior!

WW2 Graffiti

World War II Graffiti At Keswick Old Hall

Tim Cart

Our staff using a cart magnetometer, built around a caesium vapour system, in Norfolk



Unit 2,
The Old Wool Warehouse,
St Andrews Street South,
Bury St Edmunds,
IP33 3PH

T: 01284 630057

You can also get in touch using our contact form


Head office location


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  • Written over 54 years ago